Saturday, February 14, 2009

February 16th-20th Preview

Monday, February 16th
Have you noticed that a lot of Conservatives have been bashing FDR and Clinton lately?  I'll break down their arguments' validity.  Did Clinton end his second term with a surplus?  Did the New Deal work?
And what about Reagan?  Does a man who bribed Iran with weapons during the Iran-Contra affair deserve such a legacy?  And how did he fix the cuts or spending?

Tuesday, February 17th
So how did Pelosi, Reid, Obama, Collins and Nelson do?  I'll break down the stimulus bill item by item, give you my opinion and let you decide in this ongoing feature, "Stimulus or No Stimulus?".

Wednesday, February 18th
How many Americans think that we should investigate Bush criminally or by a panel?  3 in 5. 
And is this precedented? many Reagan officials were convicted after he left office for the Iran Contra affair?  Eleven...including his Defense Secretary and they weren't pardoned until the end of Pres. Bush 41's term.

Thursday, February 19th
Another installment of "Stimulus or No Stimulus?".

Friday, February 20th
Midterm watch...what will become of the dying breed of Northeast Republicans?  Only Susan Collins, Olympia Snowe, Arlen Specter and Judd Gregg remain in this club even smaller than the "living Presidents" club.  Specter and Gregg are up for re-election in 2010...what'll happen to them?  
Or better yet...will the 62 year old Gregg even run...he said "will I run? Probably not." the other day.

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