Monday, February 9, 2009

Midterm Watch

Another edition of Midterm Watch.  This week we revisit Kansas where Kathleen Sebelius's name is being tossed around as "Secretary of Health and Human Services".  And what about Harry Reid who's already the target of an ad in Nevada?  And Mel Martinez, another retiree.

Before she was Governor, Kathleen Sebelius was the Insurance Commisioner of Kansas.  She made a point of discussing healthcare in her Democratic Response to President Bush's last State of the Union address saying that all Americans have the right to affordable healthcare.  A woman who has been in the public sector most of her life and has a Masters degree in Public Administration is well qualified to head a department that can so easily become corrupt with money from insurance companies and PACs.  Nonetheless, if she does not run for Senate this is a solid Republican seat.

When Jeb Bush was floated as a name for Florida Senator in 2010, this was a leaning Republican seat.  Jeb Bush is popular in Florida and Floridians have no problem separating him and his brother, the latter whom they do not particularly support.  Without Jeb Bush in the running this is too early to call.

Harry Reid has been the target of a new ad in Nevada about the economic stimulus package.  However, most people support the package, even if they do not support is as is.  Harry Reid almost lost his seat in 1998 only winning by .1% (just like he almost became Senator in 1976 but lost by .3%), but then in 2004 he won by 26 points.  Now, he has name recognition being all over the news with the recent crises.  This is a solid Democratic seat.

So to recap:
Evan Bayh is sitting in a solid Democratic seat
Barbara Boxer is sitting in a solid Democratic seat
Kansas's to-be-vacated Senate seat is too early to call
Harry Reid is sitting in a solid Democratic seat
Florida's to-be-vacated Senate seat is too early to call

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