Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Resign Roland/Concede Coleman

Roland Burris is guilty of purgery.  I wasn't sure of that just two days ago, but now new revelations confirm that.  For the purpose of this article I will refer to the former Governor of Illinois as Rodney (not his real first name but it'll prevent confusion with his brother, Robert).

Burris intentionally evaded a question about talking to a list of people including Robert Blagojevich, the former Governor's brother, about the Senate seat during an impeachment hearing.  Then he snuck an affidavit on February 5th that stated he discussed the Senate seat with Robert Blagojevich and was asked to help raise money for Rodney Blagojevich.

Now, the Senator (for now) admits that he atempted to raise funds for the then Governor even as he was expressing interest in the Senate seat that would be vacated if Senator Obama were elected President.  Now, we know how that turned out.

Yesterday, my guess is Patrick Fitzgerald had no inclination of prosecuting Burris.  Today, that might've been a hot topic at Justice.  Unless, of course, Fitzgerald already well knew about it and Burris wanted to break the news before Fitzgerald could.

Senators Reid and Durbin, the top Democrats in the Senate, had no idea that Burris had talked to anyone near Blagojevich.  They were lied to...sitting Senators lied to...while at the same time, in a different Washington, D.C. building prosecutors discussed cases involving baseball players who lied to sitting Congressmen.  

And more importantly, he lied under oath to the Illinois Senate.

This blog is taking a firm and official stand in favor of the resignation or expulsion of Senator Roland Burris of Illinois.

To Norm Coleman of Minnesota.

You just failed to silence thousands of proper absentee votes for Al Franken for reasons your Supreme Court found baseless.  A bipartisan board declared Al Franken the winner in your state.  Your former colleague, Sen. Klobuchar (D-MN), needs help securing your states fair share of federal grants from the stimulus package.

Yet, now you baselessly accuse the canvasing board of double counting over 200 ballots.  And you want...votes to be included that weren't included before?  Like the ones you tried to throw out?

Shortly after the election, Citizen Coleman, you said that if you were Al Franken you'd step aside.  Well, for all intents and purposes, you are now Al Franken.  So step aside.

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