Monday, February 23, 2009

Unpatriotic Anti-Obama Cheers Hinder Progress

Rush “I Should Just Move to Canada” Limbaugh

First it was Rush Limbaugh.  Just before inauguration day on January 16th, he wished failure on the President-elect of the United States because “[he is] a conservative”.  That prompted millions of people to question Limbaugh’s patriotism…why would anyone wish failure on a U.S. President when his failure means the entire nation’s failure.

And unfortunately, there are the Michelle Bachman’s of Congress that get all of their information from Rush Limbaugh and the right-winged website  Perhaps a few of them learned their history from Conservapedia, a site that claims Obama was “allegedly” born in Hawaii.

Perhaps the worst story out of this was that of Phil Gingrey who criticized Rush Limbaugh on hardball.  For that, he received a spot on Keith Olbermann’s best persons list.  Then, he went back and apologized to Limbaugh as if Limbaugh were in any way his leader.  Both Chris Matthews and Keith Olbermann heavily criticized Gingrey for the move.

And of course, we learned quickly how many Republicans do think of Rush as a leader when only three of them ultimately voted for the Economic Recovery Package.  Two of them from Maine have both repeatedly been called “Republicans in name only” by critics while the third, Arlen Specter, is also a notorious moderate. 

All 216 of the rest voted no because the Democrats were not willing to adopt a 100% tax cuts plan that…wait didn’t the people vote against upper class tax cuts on November 4th or something?

Conservative Columnists Write Obama Off

Then came the editorials.  Just two weeks in, several conservative editorial writers said that Hillary Clinton and John McCain were obviously right about Obama’s experience problem because of his first two weeks in office with his cabinet problems…this coming after a Republican aggressively sought an appointment to the cabinet only to quit because of ideological differences…evidently he did not know that Obama was a liberal until recently.

Well these people who are counting Obama out within a couple weeks of the administration are the people hoping for a failure.  They want Sarah Palin or Bobby Jindal to be President at cost of four more years of people like Henrietta Hughes suffering without jobs or homes of their own. 

I wish the whole Republican Party could be more like MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough who was never afraid to call out Bush’s uncontrolled expansion of government.  He was never afraid to criticize Bill O’Reilly who often said “Joe Scarborough is a liberal because he doesn’t support Bush”.  And now, Scarborough is not afraid to admit that he is pulling for Obama like everyone should be.  He’s an American who just happens to be conservative, not the other way around.

Former Obama Rival Spews Lies

So then came Reagan’s former Assistant Secretary of State for International Organizing Affairs, Alan Keyes.  More importantly, he’s the guy who lost to Obama during the 2004 Senatorial election by a margin of 70% to 27%.  You ought to hear what he has to say now.

Keyes started off discussing how Obama is not really President because last he checked, the President had to be a natural born citizen.  He claims Obama “refused to prove he was” born in Hawaii.  Except that he released his birth certificate and upon examining it, nearly every independent and even some conservative websites concluded it was legitimate. 

The reporter evidently couldn’t help but laugh at Keyes and Keyes told him “this is not a laughing matter”.  He went on to discuss how soldiers are in court asking whether they have to obey the President (well a conservative swore him in so that’s a pretty damn good sign).  That latter part of course would be where the laughing stops…except there are currently no such cases in any courts, at least none any sources are bothering to even cover (because they’re all obviously absurd).

Keyes called Obama a “radical communist” and said that everyone realizes that now.  By that logic, over 60% of people support a radical communist President then, according to Gallup and 53% of Americans voted for one.  It is clear that Keyes who held just one major government job for two years over two decades ago, never an elected one (unless he was on Student Council or something) and who lost the 2004 race by an embarrassing margin is just trying to pay back Obama for taking away his dignity.

NY Post Offends Millions…including Rupert Murdoch???

By now, everybody’s seen the racial and more importantly violent depiction of President Obama.  If anybody had compared Fmr. Pres. Bush to something dead, conservatives everywhere would have called upon the Secret Service to arrest them.

Yet just a month into the new Presidency, the NY Post has done something even worse…promoted violence AND racism.  The cartoonist said that if the monkey was anybody, it was Nancy Pelosi…as if it is any more justified to call for her assassination than it is to call for Obama’s.

Few thought the Post would apologize, but it gave a non-apology apology (a big step for that paper) the next evening.  It said that to any who were offended, it apologizes but to those who have had disagreements in the past and want to retaliate for past problems, no apology is due.

Here’s the interesting part though…the man who wrote The Man Who Owns the News who heavily interviewed Murdoch and said that he has become more liberal in his old age because of his spouse appeared on Countdown w/ Keith Olbermann twice to discuss the subject. 

He says that Murdoch likely called for the apology himself and was likely angered when the editor of the paper did not actually apologize in the apology.  Also, the only reason Murdoch owns several papers and television stations in New York right now including the local Fox 5 NY, Fox News Channel, the NY Post and others is because of a waiver to a rule barring such a monopoly. 

That could be the other reason for the apology…if that waiver is revoked as Sharpton is calling for (of course, NY’s Governor just happens to be black furthering fears at NewsCorp of such a revocation) Murdoch may have to sell parts of NewsCorp, move Fox News Channel or other major inconveniences or even financial disasters.

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